Test Date: 2015-12-11 15:01
Analysis date: 2015-12-15 09:49
[14:01:53.634] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[14:01:53.634] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[14:01:53.704] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[14:01:53.704] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//000_PixelAlive_p17//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//000_PixelAlive_p17//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[14:01:53.705] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//000_PixelAlive_p17//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//000_PixelAlive_p17//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[14:01:53.705] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//000_PixelAlive_p17//defaultMaskFile.dat
[14:01:53.705] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//000_PixelAlive_p17//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//000_PixelAlive_p17//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[14:01:53.776] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[14:01:53.776] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[14:01:53.776] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[14:01:53.776] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[14:01:53.776] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[14:01:53.776] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[14:01:53.776] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[14:01:53.776] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[14:01:53.790] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[14:01:53.806] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[14:01:53.809] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[14:01:53.812] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.360] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:01:55.761] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[14:01:55.761] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:01:55.761] <TB1> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[14:01:55.761] <TB1> INFO: running: pixelalive
[14:01:55.766] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[14:01:55.766] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[14:01:55.766] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[14:01:55.768] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:01:55.768] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[14:01:55.768] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:01:56.075] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[14:02:00.357] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3565ms).
[14:02:00.530] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4760ms.
[14:02:00.539] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[14:02:00.806] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[14:02:00.806] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[14:02:00.808] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:02:00.808] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[14:02:00.808] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:02:01.113] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[14:02:04.264] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2436ms).
[14:02:04.264] <TB1> INFO: Test took 3455ms.
[14:02:04.264] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[14:02:04.265] <TB1> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[14:02:04.678] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[14:02:04.678] <TB1> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[14:02:04.681] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:02:04.681] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[14:02:04.681] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:02:04.998] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[14:02:09.208] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3495ms).
[14:02:09.209] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4526ms.
[14:02:09.215] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[14:02:09.601] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[14:02:09.601] <TB1> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[14:02:09.601] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 13 seconds
[14:02:09.636] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:02:09.636] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[14:02:09.696] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[14:02:09.776] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[14:07:31.356] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[14:07:31.356] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[14:07:31.507] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[14:07:31.507] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[14:07:31.508] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[14:07:31.509] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[14:07:31.509] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[14:07:31.586] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[14:07:31.586] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[14:07:31.586] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[14:07:31.586] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[14:07:31.586] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[14:07:31.586] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[14:07:31.586] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[14:07:31.586] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[14:07:31.600] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[14:07:31.616] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[14:07:31.619] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[14:07:31.621] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[14:07:33.159] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.160] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:07:33.561] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[14:07:33.561] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:07:33.561] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[14:07:33.561] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[14:07:38.561] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:07:38.561] <TB1> INFO: test: highrate no parameter change
[14:07:38.561] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[14:07:38.568] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[14:07:38.830] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:07:38.830] <TB1> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() running for 1 seconds with 100 kHz trigger rate
[14:07:38.830] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:07:38.830] <TB1> INFO: THR = 200, corresponding to ~ 533.333 MHz/cm2
[14:07:38.830] <TB1> INFO: edge/corner pixel THR is adjusted
[14:07:38.830] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::trimHotPixels: step 0...
[14:07:39.789] <TB1> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[14:07:40.792] <TB1> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[14:07:47.806] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:07:47.807] <TB1> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 0
[14:07:48.803] <TB1> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[14:07:49.806] <TB1> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[14:07:55.697] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:07:55.698] <TB1> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 1
[14:07:56.662] <TB1> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[14:07:57.665] <TB1> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[14:08:03.757] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:08:03.758] <TB1> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 2
[14:08:04.720] <TB1> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[14:08:05.723] <TB1> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[14:08:11.409] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:08:11.410] <TB1> INFO: 0 hot pixels found in step 3
[14:08:11.420] <TB1> INFO: 0 hot pixels could not be trimmed and have been masked.
[14:08:11.450] <TB1> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() done
[14:08:11.450] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat
[14:08:11.463] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C1.dat
[14:08:11.471] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C2.dat
[14:08:11.477] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C3.dat
[14:08:11.483] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C4.dat
[14:08:11.495] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C5.dat
[14:08:11.505] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C6.dat
[14:08:11.515] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C7.dat
[14:08:11.527] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C8.dat
[14:08:11.534] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C9.dat
[14:08:11.540] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C10.dat
[14:08:11.549] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C11.dat
[14:08:11.561] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C12.dat
[14:08:11.574] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C13.dat
[14:08:11.587] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C14.dat
[14:08:11.599] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[14:08:11.612] <TB1> INFO: write masked pixels into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[14:08:11.665] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:08:11.665] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[14:08:11.772] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[14:08:11.852] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[14:08:43.444] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[14:08:43.444] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[14:08:43.693] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[14:08:43.693] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[14:08:43.695] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[14:08:43.695] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//defaultMaskFile.dat
[14:08:43.695] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[14:08:43.767] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[14:08:43.767] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[14:08:43.767] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[14:08:43.767] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[14:08:43.767] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[14:08:43.767] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[14:08:43.767] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[14:08:43.767] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[14:08:43.781] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[14:08:43.799] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[14:08:43.802] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[14:08:43.804] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.322] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:08:45.725] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[14:08:45.725] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:08:45.725] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[14:08:45.725] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[14:08:50.725] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:08:50.725] <TB1> INFO: test: highrate no parameter change
[14:08:50.725] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[14:08:50.729] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[14:08:50.873] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:08:50.873] <TB1> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() running for 5 seconds with 100 kHz trigger rate
[14:08:50.873] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:08:50.873] <TB1> INFO: THR = 10, corresponding to ~ 5.33333 MHz/cm2
[14:08:50.873] <TB1> INFO: edge/corner pixel THR is adjusted
[14:08:50.873] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::trimHotPixels: step 0...
[14:08:51.831] <TB1> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[14:08:56.843] <TB1> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[14:09:04.206] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:09:04.207] <TB1> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 0
[14:09:05.230] <TB1> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[14:09:10.243] <TB1> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[14:09:17.088] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:09:17.089] <TB1> INFO: 0 hot pixels found in step 1
[14:09:17.093] <TB1> INFO: 0 hot pixels could not be trimmed and have been masked.
[14:09:17.268] <TB1> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() done
[14:09:17.268] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C0.dat
[14:09:17.277] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C1.dat
[14:09:17.283] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C2.dat
[14:09:17.289] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C3.dat
[14:09:17.295] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C4.dat
[14:09:17.302] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C5.dat
[14:09:17.308] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C6.dat
[14:09:17.314] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C7.dat
[14:09:17.320] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C8.dat
[14:09:17.326] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C9.dat
[14:09:17.333] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C10.dat
[14:09:17.339] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C11.dat
[14:09:17.345] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C12.dat
[14:09:17.351] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C13.dat
[14:09:17.357] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C14.dat
[14:09:17.364] <TB1> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[14:09:17.370] <TB1> INFO: write masked pixels into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//defaultMaskFile.dat
[14:09:17.399] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:09:17.399] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[14:09:17.510] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[14:09:17.590] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[14:10:07.714] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[14:10:07.714] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[14:10:07.862] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[14:10:07.862] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[14:10:07.863] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[14:10:07.863] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//defaultMaskFile.dat
[14:10:07.863] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[14:10:07.935] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[14:10:07.935] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[14:10:07.935] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[14:10:07.935] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[14:10:07.935] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[14:10:07.935] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[14:10:07.935] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[14:10:07.935] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[14:10:07.950] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[14:10:07.969] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[14:10:07.972] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[14:10:07.974] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.496] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.497] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:10:09.898] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[14:10:09.898] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:10:09.898] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[14:10:09.898] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[14:10:14.899] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:10:14.899] <TB1> INFO: test: Xray no parameter change
[14:10:14.899] <TB1> INFO: running: xray
[14:10:14.903] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//004_HRData_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[14:10:15.041] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[14:10:15.041] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest()
[14:10:15.041] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[14:10:15.041] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:10:15.041] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() fParRunSeconds = 100
[14:10:15.041] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:10:16.007] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun start TriggerLoop with trigger frequency 100 kHz, period 405 and duration 100 seconds, fEventsMax = 10000000
[14:10:24.918] <TB1> INFO: run duration 8 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:10:58.002] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:11:06.913] <TB1> INFO: run duration 17 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:11:40.410] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:11:49.323] <TB1> INFO: run duration 26 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:12:22.360] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:12:31.270] <TB1> INFO: run duration 35 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:13:04.713] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:13:13.623] <TB1> INFO: run duration 44 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:13:48.337] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:13:57.244] <TB1> INFO: run duration 53 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:14:31.326] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:14:40.234] <TB1> INFO: run duration 62 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:15:14.128] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:15:23.035] <TB1> INFO: run duration 71 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:15:57.893] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:16:06.804] <TB1> INFO: run duration 80 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:16:41.218] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:16:50.125] <TB1> INFO: run duration 88 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:17:23.842] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:17:32.754] <TB1> INFO: run duration 97 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:17:59.891] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:18:02.085] <TB1> INFO: data taking finished, elapsed time: 100 seconds.
[14:18:08.045] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:18:08.046] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() done
[14:18:08.046] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest() done
[14:18:08.223] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:18:08.223] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[14:18:08.342] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[14:18:08.422] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[14:18:24.871] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[14:18:24.871] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[14:18:25.251] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[14:18:25.251] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[14:18:25.252] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[14:18:25.252] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[14:18:25.252] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[14:18:25.345] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[14:18:25.345] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[14:18:25.345] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[14:18:25.345] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[14:18:25.345] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[14:18:25.345] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[14:18:25.345] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[14:18:25.345] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[14:18:25.359] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[14:18:25.376] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[14:18:25.379] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[14:18:25.382] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:26.929] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:18:27.330] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[14:18:27.330] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:18:27.331] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[14:18:27.331] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[14:18:32.331] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:18:32.331] <TB1> INFO: test: Xray no parameter change
[14:18:32.331] <TB1> INFO: running: xray
[14:18:32.338] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//005_HRData_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[14:18:32.543] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[14:18:32.543] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest()
[14:18:32.543] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[14:18:32.543] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:18:32.543] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() fParRunSeconds = 100
[14:18:32.543] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:18:33.507] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun start TriggerLoop with trigger frequency 100 kHz, period 405 and duration 100 seconds, fEventsMax = 10000000
[14:18:37.710] <TB1> INFO: run duration 4 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:19:12.227] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:19:16.435] <TB1> INFO: run duration 8 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:19:50.064] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:19:54.271] <TB1> INFO: run duration 12 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:20:28.014] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:20:32.220] <TB1> INFO: run duration 16 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:21:06.492] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:21:10.699] <TB1> INFO: run duration 20 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:21:38.693] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:21:42.900] <TB1> INFO: run duration 25 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:22:09.078] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:22:13.285] <TB1> INFO: run duration 29 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:22:40.075] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:22:44.282] <TB1> INFO: run duration 33 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:23:11.977] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:23:16.182] <TB1> INFO: run duration 37 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:23:43.794] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:23:48.000] <TB1> INFO: run duration 41 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:24:15.805] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:24:20.012] <TB1> INFO: run duration 46 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:24:48.689] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:24:52.895] <TB1> INFO: run duration 50 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:25:22.145] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:25:26.352] <TB1> INFO: run duration 54 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:25:29.812] <TB1> WARNING: Channel 1 ROC 7: Readback start marker after 15 readouts!

[14:25:29.812] <TB1> WARNING: Channel 1 ROC 7: Readback start marker after 1 readouts!

[14:25:29.813] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[14:25:29.813] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a182 8000 4608 5 2465 28c 2866 414 2a82 4cc 2466 650 226a 4608 540 2680 693 286f 703 2488 4609 480 240f 755 2067 4609 10c 282d 314 246a 683 204f 4608 9b 2865 c9 226d 312 2261 4608 c8 2248 848 2645 4609 4609 49 204f 492 206f 554 284d e000 c000

[14:25:29.813] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a17c 80b1 4608 260 2466 490 2669 4608 40 2a4f 10a 2481 20b 2a65 20c 222a 815 286f 804 2062 4608 35a 264d 4d0 2448 708 2448 4608 18 2881 218 244f 562 2067 55a 2a68 61a 2442 618 2a28 4608 508 284f 688 2061 4608 4 244f 19 224f 61d 2842 4608 9a 284e 8a 204f 281 2840 4608 91 2445 e000 c000

[14:25:29.813] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a17d 80c0 4608 82 2664 88 2269 245 224c 40a 2665 522 2280 4608 6d8 242a 6d8 2048 4608 50 266c 4608 c8 2a42 c9 224b 222 2488 561 2a81 600 266f 4608 53 224c 84 2446 68c 2469 745 204c 818 2642 4608 695 2a4c 748 2443 4608 4608 30b 246a e000 c000

[14:25:29.813] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a17e 8000 4608 d5 2482 291 2680 300 2a6f 521 2a88 70a 2262 4608 d3 2a62 242 2489 6d2 224b 4608 90 2065 694 2269 6da 204d 805 204f 4608 141 2a4f 562 244d 4608 14b 246d 44c 262e 455 2a45 458 2240 4608 559 2a40 6c5 244a 4608 460b 2445 812 2242 4608 813 224d e000 c000

[14:25:29.813] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a17f 8040 460a c1 2088 282 2a65 550 224d 84b 2262 460a 84 2266 802 284f 460a 84d 204f 460a 80 284f 495 266b 60b 2a6c 460a 48 2249 21d 2a6e 460a 85a 264c 460a 460a e000 c000

[14:25:29.813] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a180 80b1 4609 50 2a4f 615 2467 809 286f 4609 803 2a4d 4609 212 2684 681 286f 808 2a8b 4609 51d 224a 640 2448 653 2a49 685 2844 4609 19 2245 252 2661 301 2448 4609 503 244d 4609 54 2242 608 226d 4609 852 2245 e000 c000

[14:25:29.813] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a181 80c0 4608 841 2869 4608 cd 224f cd 266f 101 2a8c 2d9 2846 48d 226a 74a 2a6a 75a 2268 4608 94 2046 460 2665 4db 288d 4c3 286b 4608 a0 284f 303 2a6d 445 286a 6a2 284d 4609 50d 2268 51a 226e 811 282c 4609 4609 1 2062 22 264f 30c 2262 4609 440 242d 84d 206a e000 c000

[14:25:55.322] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:25:59.528] <TB1> INFO: run duration 58 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:26:29.209] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:26:33.414] <TB1> INFO: run duration 62 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:27:02.285] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:27:06.490] <TB1> INFO: run duration 67 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:27:34.500] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:27:38.705] <TB1> INFO: run duration 71 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:28:05.479] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:28:09.684] <TB1> INFO: run duration 75 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:28:36.802] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:28:41.008] <TB1> INFO: run duration 79 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:29:09.632] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:29:13.837] <TB1> INFO: run duration 83 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:29:41.951] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:29:46.156] <TB1> INFO: run duration 88 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:30:14.331] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:30:18.536] <TB1> INFO: run duration 92 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:30:46.751] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:30:50.957] <TB1> INFO: run duration 96 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[14:31:19.411] <TB1> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[14:31:22.877] <TB1> INFO: data taking finished, elapsed time: 100 seconds.
[14:31:45.718] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:31:45.720] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() done
[14:31:45.720] <TB1> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest() done
[14:31:45.905] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:31:45.905] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[14:31:46.017] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[14:31:46.097] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[14:32:31.156] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[14:32:31.156] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[14:32:31.216] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[14:32:31.216] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[14:32:31.217] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[14:32:31.217] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//defaultMaskFile.dat
[14:32:31.217] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[14:32:31.295] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[14:32:31.295] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[14:32:31.295] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[14:32:31.295] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[14:32:31.295] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[14:32:31.295] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[14:32:31.295] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[14:32:31.295] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[14:32:31.309] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[14:32:31.326] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[14:32:31.329] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[14:32:31.331] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.852] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.853] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.853] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.853] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:32.853] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[14:32:33.254] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[14:32:33.254] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:32:33.254] <TB1> INFO: test: Highrate no parameter change
[14:32:33.254] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[14:32:33.258] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//006_HRSCurves_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[14:32:33.415] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:32:33.416] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xNoiseMaps() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[14:32:33.416] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:32:33.420] <TB1> INFO: ---> dac: vcal name: xNoiseMap ntrig: 50 dacrange: 15 .. 75 (20/-1) hits flags = 896 (plus default)
[14:32:33.431] <TB1> INFO: dacScan step from 15 .. 34
[14:32:33.431] <TB1> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[14:32:33.431] <TB1> INFO: run 1 of 1
[14:32:34.026] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[14:33:14.490] <TB1> INFO: 581000 events read in total (39935ms).
[14:33:52.872] <TB1> INFO: 1162650 events read in total (78317ms).
[14:34:31.494] <TB1> INFO: 1744200 events read in total (116939ms).
[14:35:10.148] <TB1> INFO: 2325650 events read in total (155593ms).
[14:35:49.152] <TB1> INFO: 2906800 events read in total (194597ms).
[14:36:29.015] <TB1> INFO: 3487300 events read in total (234460ms).
[14:37:04.748] <TB1> INFO: 4067500 events read in total (270193ms).
[14:37:10.835] <TB1> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (276280ms).
[14:37:11.262] <TB1> INFO: Test took 277831ms.
[14:37:17.092] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[14:37:23.174] <TB1> INFO: dacScan step from 35 .. 54
[14:37:23.174] <TB1> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[14:37:23.174] <TB1> INFO: run 1 of 1
[14:37:23.768] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[14:38:01.964] <TB1> INFO: 459250 events read in total (37669ms).
[14:38:39.701] <TB1> INFO: 918000 events read in total (75406ms).
[14:39:17.687] <TB1> INFO: 1375700 events read in total (113392ms).
[14:39:56.372] <TB1> INFO: 1831200 events read in total (152077ms).
[14:40:34.121] <TB1> INFO: 2283950 events read in total (189826ms).
[14:41:11.440] <TB1> INFO: 2732900 events read in total (227145ms).
[14:41:48.077] <TB1> INFO: 3177300 events read in total (263782ms).
[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventValidity:L480> Channel 0 has NoTokenPass but 7 ROCs were found

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventID:L463> Channel 0 Event ID mismatch: local ID (219) != TBM ID (212)

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventValidity:L491> Channel 0 Number of ROCs (0) != Token Chain Length (8)

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventID:L463> Channel 0 Event ID mismatch: local ID (213) != TBM ID (219)

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0de 8000 4708 359 204c 554 2a2a 6dd 2024 4708 28b 2a49 6dd 2029 4708 29d 2844 6dd 204d 852 2243 4708 6dd 202e 4708 614 2a49 6dd 2063 4708 110 2862 6dd 206f 470b 49 2862 6dd 2040 852 266e 470b 618 246f e002 c000

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0d9 80c0 4708 6dd 2040 4708 141 222c 4c1 264e 4dc 2a45 54c 2825 6dd 2046 4708 6dd 2062 849 2868 4708 44 206a 34b 2046 34b 2261 459 224f 6dd 202a 4708 6dd 2064 4708 6dd 206f 80d 2488 4709 285 284d 2d9 224f 30b 2864 6dd 2049 4709 6dd 2067 852 2666 e002 c000

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 2 ====== a0da 8000 4709 5 2848 6dd 202a 812 2841 4709 6dd 2027 821 2669 4709 245 284f 650 2265 6dd 204e 4709 4 2844 550 2a4c 6dd 2044 4709 d9 2449 6dd 2065 4709 53 266b 520 206a 610 2666 698 204c 699 264f 6dd 2065 852 226a 4709 214 2a40 4d1 2265

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0d4 8036 52 4709 1a 284c 6dd 204a e002 c000

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0db 8040 4709 640 2a2f 641 2227 6dd 2044 4709 6dd 2041 755 224c 840 2645 4709 6dd 2049 4709 6dd 202c 4709 4c5 224d 690 224f 6dd 204c 4709 93 2264 d3 2283 40c 206a 405 286f 44d 226a 6dd 2046 4708 54a 284a 6dd 204e 713 204f 4708 6dd 2062 75d 2666 811 2085 e002 c000

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0dc 80b1 4708 204 2a28 6dd 202d 4708 1b 2042 6dd 202d 4708 688 2468 6dd 2062 4708 515 2649 698 2665 6dd 2049 4708 244 2261 305 2a4e 6dd 2045 4708 258 2246 6dd 2081 6cd 2062 752 264e 4708 6dd 2045 85a 2665 4708 514 2820 6dd 2043 e002 c000

[14:42:05.964] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0dd 80c0 4708 1c 2422 6dd 2029 4708 1a 282b 18 2022 68a 2040 6dd 202e 4708 6dd 204a 4708 6dd 204f 4708 2c4 2629 64d 2661 684 2241 6dd 202f 4708 258 204d 255 2862 683 2a68 6dd 204c 721 2668 848 2262 4708 441 2a43 50a 2048 6dd 2048 70a 2a42 4708 6dd 204a e002 c000

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventValidity:L480> Channel 1 has NoTokenPass but 3 ROCs were found

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a13f 8040 470b 55b 242c 60d 206d 694 244e 6c2 2240 470b 4d5 2a4c 6cc 2448 6c2 2249 470b 495 2644 518 2a6f 6c2 2243 470b 64a 224c 6c2 2246 470b 6c2 224f 470b 43 2a40 693 224c 6c2 2240 845 222f 470b 4c0 2448 6c2 2228 470b 51c 204e 6c2 2249 e002 c000

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a139 80c0 4708 345 226a 4d2 2440 4708 6c2 222d 4708 2c5 2a2f 6c2 2243 85a 2662 85b 2662 4708 e1 2a69 14b 2864 442 2682 6c2 224f 4708 6da 2869 6c2 224a 4708 6c2 222c 4708 6c2 2229 4708 4d5 266f 6c2 224f e002 c000

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a13a 8000 4709 e2 228e 6c2 2269 4709 83 2264 6c2 2262 715 2482 712 206f 4709 6c2 222a 4709 22 2480 4b 284f 2d8 2649 622 2688 6c2 2265 4709 1 284d 6c2 2262 4709 6c2 2246 4709 6c2 2246 4709 15d 204a 551 264a 6c2 2228 e002 c000

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a13b 8040 4709 6c2 226f 4709 161 286e 152 2668 44d 208f 6c2 224c 71a 2663 4709 408 222b 40c 2642 6c2 222a 740 2a48 80d 264e 842 224a 851 2668 4709 442 2a66 6c2 2246 4709 48d 2841 48b 2a4f 6c2 224d 4709 680 2425 680 2628 6c2 222f 4709 99 2843 99 2465 618 224c 6c2 2228 74a 2665 758 224f 4709 1a 224c 6c2 2248 761 2645 e002 c000

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a13c 80b1 4708 d4 264f 162 288c 148 2060 61a 2268 6c2 224a 819 2a84 84a 2649 4708 311 206a 4c1 224e 6c2 2244 744 284f 75d 2269 4708 15 2447 e0e3 c006

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a13d 80c0 4709 6c2 224d 709 264f 4709 24a 2a88 640 264c 6c2 2262 4709 604 2242 695 2465 6c2 224b 4709 d1 264e 6c2 2240 4709 44b 226e 4c4 2425 4c4 262e 55b 2265 6c2 224d 4709 9a 2844 6c2 2228 818 2a41 4709 6c9 200f 6c2 222a 85b 266b 4709 6c2 2247 e002 c000

[14:42:12.909] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a13e 8000 4708 11d 206f 292 2460 512 266c 6c2 2267 4708 6c2 2248 4708 415 2a4a 654 2042 6c2 224a 4708 20 2048 244 2465 6c2 2241 4708 6c2 2245 714 264d 4708 41a 2646 6c2 222a 4708 6c2 222c 4708 6c2 2242 e002 c000

[14:42:18.467] <TB1> CRITICAL: <hal.cc/condenseTriggers:L1899> Data size does not correspond to 50 triggers! Aborting data processing!

[14:42:18.499] <TB1> INFO: 3177300 events read in total (294204ms).
[14:42:56.374] <TB1> INFO: 3616200 events read in total (332079ms).
[14:43:05.259] <TB1> INFO: 3719550 events read in total (340964ms).
[14:43:05.259] <TB1> CRITICAL: <hal.cc/MultiRocAllPixelsDacScan:L958> Incomplete DAQ data readout! Missing 8809 Events.

[14:43:06.230] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[14:43:13.304] <TB1> WARNING: Channel 0 ROC 3: Readback start marker after 7 readouts!

[14:43:13.305] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[14:43:13.305] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a099 80c0 4708 1d 242f 4708 1d 242f e2 264f 122 2447 4708 1d 244d 685 2680 4708 762 2464 4708 1d 2449 84 2844 488 224f 4708 1d 244e 688 2862 84c 264f 861 2285 4709 1d 2467 1b 2085 4709 1d 2466 449 286a 6d9 2665 e002 c000

[14:43:13.305] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a093 8040 4708 1d 2442 4709 1d 242b 19 2242 4708 1d 2445 821 2061 803 2a62 4709 1d 242e 0 2a2f 4708 1d 242f 4709 842 2a4e 4708 1d 244e 219 224f 31a 2666 4708 1d 2448 e002 c000

[14:43:13.305] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a094 80b1 4708 1d 2442 419 2a64 4708 4708 1d 2442 c0 2448 4708 810 2849 4708 1d 2445 744 2842 4708 1d 246f 8b 248c 103 2883 48b 2285 4708 1d 2462 6d4 2a66 4708 2d5 2266 6d3 2248 813 286b e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a095 80c0 4708 1d 242d 418 2641 4708 1d 242d 445 2444 4708 1d 242f 4708 4708 1d 2448 b 2263 4708 349 286c 50d 206f 653 24a6 4708 1d 2464 c3 208a 6c1 244c 4708 4d3 2a8e 710 2843 710 244c 704 266a e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a096 8000 4708 1d 242a 4708 1d 242d 4708 470b 2442 4da 2a68 4708 1d 2442 11 2861 28c 204f 515 222e 862 262b 4708 1d 2441 4708 4708 1d 246b 652 2464 68c 2a4f 4708 c3 2082 844 2887 848 224c e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a097 8040 4708 1d 242d 284 2240 85c 202a 4708 4708 1d 2444 4b 2883 4708 1d 2440 10a 264b 605 2862 4708 1d 2448 4708 20 284e 1d 244f 689 2266 4708 1d 2466 101 2a6d 859 2a61 4708 e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a098 80b1 4708 1d 2440 61c 264f 4708 75d 202f 4708 1d 2444 319 2a6d 4708 1d 2425 a 282d 259 2042 24c 2240 613 204e 4708 1d 242e 9 2048 59 2065 101 282f 30b 206d 810 222e 4708 1d 2467 258 284a 240 2a4d 750 2626 4708 4b 2469 4708 110 242a 24c 286c e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> WARNING: Channel 0 ROC 3: Readback start marker after 9 readouts!

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a2 8000 4708 1d 242e 91 262b 91 2a2a 853 2a40 4708 22 2442 1d 2445 111 2864 4709 1d 244e 818 2048 4709 358 2a65 41d 246f 4708 1d 242c 495 2065 85b 224f 4708 21 246d 1d 244d 413 2065 702 244e 4708 1d 244e 98 284f 4709 1d 2464 455 266e e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a09c 80b1 4709 490 2648 75a 2442 4709 1d 2425 4709 1d 244c 4709 408 282e 408 2a44 654 224f 4709 1d 242d 2 2840 1c 224f 64c 264d 4709 1d 2465 20 266e 42 224b 213 20a0 518 2a4f 602 2a85 70b 2669 4709 1d 2465 298 284c 4709 1d 244f 4d5 246c 603 24a1 e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a09d 80c0 4709 1d 242f 4709 1d 242d 111 2a4d 4709 1d 244f 19 224f 4709 813 2a67 842 2469 4709 1d 242c 115 284f 14a 2a66 612 2664 745 2a2f 4709 1d 244d 340 246f 4709 1d 2462 605 2843 4709 1d 246e 413 246f 694 2086 81d 248f e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a09e 8000 4709 1d 2442 4709 1d 2429 4709 1d 2446 4709 848 280f 4709 1d 242c 122 2244 4709 9a 2682 470b 1d 244f 208 204c 470b 1d 2466 143 2684 e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a09f 8040 470b 1d 2444 2c0 2626 358 2247 470b 1d 242c 470b 1d 2445 470b 1d 2447 31d 206a 470b 1d 2449 470b 48d 2864 48d 2a4f 50d 2666 4708 1d 244d 118 2281 28b 2a44 4708 1d 2449 609 266b 68c 222a e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a0 80b1 4708 1d 244c 4708 1d 2429 4708 1d 2448 4cb 246a 4708 1d 2448 65c 2465 4708 84c 2246 4708 1d 2462 618 286c 652 2a6c 4709 1d 244d 143 204a 68d 2a4a 852 2a69 4709 220 2267 e002 c000

[14:43:13.306] <TB1> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a1 80c0 4708 1d 242d 6dc 2429 4708 1d 2440 345 286c 4708 1d 244d 4708 1d 2425 201 224f 662 2a4f 683 224f 4709 1d 2441 40 284d 262 2669 342 2088 561 2aa5 819 266c 84b 248c 4709 1d 244d 2 2a82 203 2668 203 2a65 549 2865 4709 121 2081 108 244a 4709 1d 2445 cb 2081 612 2a65 6c5 2866 860 2a6f e002 c000

[14:43:43.373] <TB1> INFO: 459400 events read in total (36597ms).
[14:44:19.939] <TB1> INFO: 918250 events read in total (73163ms).
[14:44:56.889] <TB1> INFO: 1375850 events read in total (110113ms).
[14:45:32.747] <TB1> INFO: 1831550 events read in total (145971ms).
[14:46:09.157] <TB1> INFO: 2284250 events read in total (182381ms).
[14:46:44.694] <TB1> INFO: 2733200 events read in total (217918ms).
[14:47:20.146] <TB1> INFO: 3177550 events read in total (253370ms).
[14:47:54.882] <TB1> INFO: 3617850 events read in total (288106ms).
[14:48:28.974] <TB1> INFO: 4056450 events read in total (322198ms).
[14:48:36.310] <TB1> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (329534ms).
[14:48:36.454] <TB1> INFO: Test took 330848ms.
[14:48:38.135] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[14:48:43.328] <TB1> INFO: dacScan step from 55 .. 74
[14:48:43.328] <TB1> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[14:48:43.328] <TB1> INFO: run 1 of 1
[14:48:43.915] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[14:49:10.627] <TB1> INFO: 402900 events read in total (26169ms).
[14:49:36.673] <TB1> INFO: 806250 events read in total (52215ms).
[14:50:02.666] <TB1> INFO: 1209700 events read in total (78208ms).
[14:50:28.874] <TB1> INFO: 1613100 events read in total (104416ms).
[14:50:54.882] <TB1> INFO: 2016450 events read in total (130424ms).
[14:51:21.272] <TB1> INFO: 2419850 events read in total (156814ms).
[14:51:47.589] <TB1> INFO: 2823150 events read in total (183131ms).
[14:52:13.716] <TB1> INFO: 3226300 events read in total (209258ms).
[14:52:39.991] <TB1> INFO: 3629500 events read in total (235533ms).
[14:53:06.124] <TB1> INFO: 4032400 events read in total (261666ms).
[14:53:14.845] <TB1> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (270387ms).
[14:53:15.025] <TB1> INFO: Test took 271697ms.
[14:53:16.719] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[14:53:21.957] <TB1> INFO: dacScan step from 75 .. 75
[14:53:21.957] <TB1> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[14:53:21.957] <TB1> INFO: run 1 of 1
[14:53:22.549] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[14:53:37.479] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (14404ms).
[14:53:37.487] <TB1> INFO: Test took 15530ms.
[14:53:37.568] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[14:53:37.826] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:38.887] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:39.888] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:40.880] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:41.903] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:42.910] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:43.956] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:45.006] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:46.057] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:47.107] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:48.154] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:49.182] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:50.206] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:51.221] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:52.227] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:53.243] <TB1> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[14:53:54.260] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[14:53:54.262] <TB1> INFO: vcal mean: 38.22 39.03 38.20 41.59 41.63 42.78 42.21 42.89 42.17 42.40 42.62 41.49 40.96 38.74 38.42 39.32
[14:53:54.262] <TB1> INFO: vcal RMS: 1.02 1.18 0.95 1.48 1.33 1.43 1.40 1.46 1.43 1.39 1.41 1.35 1.28 1.12 1.02 1.00
[14:53:54.262] <TB1> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 199058 217637 196576 341318 350705 418087 391906 440408 410695 382203 401536 337378 312244 189266 204091 194788
[14:53:54.262] <TB1> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[14:53:54.262] <TB1> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 58.3 63.8 57.6 100.0 102.8 122.5 114.9 129.1 120.4 112.0 117.7 98.9 91.5 55.5 59.8 57.1
[14:53:54.262] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXNoiseMaps() done
[14:53:54.384] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[14:53:54.384] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[14:53:54.477] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[14:53:54.556] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[15:10:49.909] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[15:10:49.909] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[15:10:50.014] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[15:10:50.014] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:10:50.014] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[15:10:50.014] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//defaultMaskFile.dat
[15:10:50.014] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[15:10:50.081] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[15:10:50.081] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[15:10:50.081] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[15:10:50.081] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[15:10:50.081] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[15:10:50.081] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[15:10:50.081] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[15:10:50.081] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[15:10:50.095] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[15:10:50.111] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[15:10:50.114] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[15:10:50.117] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:51.669] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:10:52.070] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[15:10:52.070] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:10:52.070] <TB1> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[15:10:52.070] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[15:10:52.073] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[15:10:52.211] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:10:52.211] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::calDelScan() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200
[15:10:52.211] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:10:52.347] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 768 events.
[15:10:53.485] <TB1> INFO: 768 events read in total (420ms).
[15:10:53.674] <TB1> INFO: Test took 1459ms.
[15:10:54.320] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:10:57.875] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3029ms).
[15:10:57.876] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4198ms.
[15:10:57.923] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:10:58.627] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:02.441] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3288ms).
[15:11:02.443] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4490ms.
[15:11:02.498] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:03.171] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:06.760] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3063ms).
[15:11:06.762] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4238ms.
[15:11:06.815] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:07.478] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:11.046] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3041ms).
[15:11:11.048] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4213ms.
[15:11:11.100] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:11.783] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:15.585] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3275ms).
[15:11:15.587] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4466ms.
[15:11:15.646] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:16.314] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:19.952] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3112ms).
[15:11:19.953] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4282ms.
[15:11:20.009] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:20.681] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:24.329] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3122ms).
[15:11:24.330] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4301ms.
[15:11:24.380] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:25.064] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:28.782] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3191ms).
[15:11:28.783] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4379ms.
[15:11:28.837] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:29.510] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:33.312] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3276ms).
[15:11:33.314] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4456ms.
[15:11:33.365] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:34.049] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:37.831] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3255ms).
[15:11:37.833] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4447ms.
[15:11:37.887] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:38.564] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:42.303] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3213ms).
[15:11:42.304] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4393ms.
[15:11:42.353] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:43.045] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:46.793] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3222ms).
[15:11:46.795] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4422ms.
[15:11:46.844] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:47.532] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:51.514] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3456ms).
[15:11:51.515] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4651ms.
[15:11:51.566] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:52.258] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:11:56.179] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3394ms).
[15:11:56.180] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4590ms.
[15:11:56.228] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:11:56.926] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:12:00.694] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3242ms).
[15:12:00.695] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4447ms.
[15:12:00.748] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:12:01.427] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:12:05.004] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3050ms).
[15:12:05.005] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4230ms.
[15:12:05.058] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:12:05.741] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:12:09.282] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3015ms).
[15:12:09.283] <TB1> INFO: Test took 4204ms.
[15:12:09.349] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:12:10.016] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:12:13.333] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2791ms).
[15:12:13.335] <TB1> INFO: Test took 3963ms.
[15:12:13.392] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:12:14.079] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:12:17.336] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2730ms).
[15:12:17.337] <TB1> INFO: Test took 3921ms.
[15:12:17.388] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:12:18.081] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[15:12:21.290] <TB1> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2683ms).
[15:12:21.291] <TB1> INFO: Test took 3876ms.
[15:12:21.339] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:12:21.716] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:12:21.716] <TB1> INFO: test: Pretest no parameter change
[15:12:21.716] <TB1> INFO: running: pretest
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C0.dat
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C1.dat
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C2.dat
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C3.dat
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C4.dat
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C5.dat
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C6.dat
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C7.dat
[15:12:21.717] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C8.dat
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C9.dat
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C10.dat
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C11.dat
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C12.dat
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C13.dat
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C14.dat
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:12:21.718] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[15:12:21.798] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[15:12:21.878] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[15:12:52.313] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[15:12:52.313] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[15:12:52.677] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[15:12:52.677] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:12:52.678] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[15:12:52.678] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//defaultMaskFile.dat
[15:12:52.678] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[15:12:52.753] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[15:12:52.753] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[15:12:52.753] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[15:12:52.753] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[15:12:52.753] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[15:12:52.753] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[15:12:52.753] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[15:12:52.753] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[15:12:52.766] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[15:12:52.782] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[15:12:52.786] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[15:12:52.788] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.309] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:12:54.710] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[15:12:54.710] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:12:54.710] <TB1> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[15:12:54.710] <TB1> INFO: running: pixelalive
[15:12:54.714] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:12:54.714] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[15:12:54.714] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:12:54.715] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:12:54.715] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:12:54.715] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:12:55.038] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:13:06.669] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (10913ms).
[15:13:06.778] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12061ms.
[15:13:06.790] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:13:07.051] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[15:13:07.051] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:13:07.053] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:13:07.053] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:13:07.053] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:13:07.376] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:13:14.547] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (6456ms).
[15:13:14.547] <TB1> INFO: Test took 7492ms.
[15:13:14.547] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:13:14.547] <TB1> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[15:13:14.950] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[15:13:14.950] <TB1> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:13:14.951] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:13:14.951] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:13:14.951] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:13:15.285] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:13:27.122] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11123ms).
[15:13:27.123] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12170ms.
[15:13:27.136] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:13:27.456] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[15:13:27.456] <TB1> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:13:27.456] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 32 seconds
[15:13:27.496] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:13:27.496] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[15:13:27.496] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[15:13:29.496] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:13:29.497] <TB1> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[15:13:29.497] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[15:13:29.497] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//012_HREfficiency_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[15:13:29.673] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:13:29.673] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[15:13:29.673] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:13:30.304] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:13:43.596] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (12765ms).
[15:13:43.602] <TB1> INFO: Test took 13926ms.
[15:13:43.890] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 116 107 143 296 270 338 405 380 410 287 336 240 228 112 127 149
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 91171 98603 88675 160463 165019 198421 185171 208435 193480 178763 190384 156571 146202 85457 93254 89420
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 207882 207892 207853 207693 207720 207647 207568 207606 207567 207672 207627 207753 207766 207885 207870 207850
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.9 100.0 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.9 100.0 99.9 99.9
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 26.7 28.9 26.0 47.0 48.4 58.2 54.3 61.1 56.7 52.4 55.8 45.9 42.9 25.0 27.3 26.2
[15:13:44.200] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[15:13:44.234] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[15:13:44.244] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:13:44.244] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[15:13:44.351] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[15:13:44.430] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[15:14:13.141] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[15:14:13.141] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[15:14:13.378] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[15:14:13.378] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:14:13.379] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[15:14:13.379] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//defaultMaskFile.dat
[15:14:13.379] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[15:14:13.463] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[15:14:13.464] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[15:14:13.464] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[15:14:13.464] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[15:14:13.464] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[15:14:13.464] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[15:14:13.464] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[15:14:13.464] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[15:14:13.478] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[15:14:13.494] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[15:14:13.497] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[15:14:13.500] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.033] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.034] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.034] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.034] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.034] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.034] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.034] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:14:15.435] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[15:14:15.435] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:14:15.435] <TB1> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[15:14:15.435] <TB1> INFO: running: pixelalive
[15:14:15.442] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:14:15.442] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[15:14:15.442] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:14:15.444] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:14:15.444] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:14:15.444] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:14:15.754] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:14:27.500] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11029ms).
[15:14:27.605] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12159ms.
[15:14:27.618] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:14:27.873] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[15:14:27.873] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:14:27.875] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:14:27.875] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:14:27.875] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:14:28.179] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:14:35.266] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (6372ms).
[15:14:35.266] <TB1> INFO: Test took 7389ms.
[15:14:35.266] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:14:35.267] <TB1> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[15:14:35.665] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[15:14:35.665] <TB1> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:14:35.667] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:14:35.667] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:14:35.667] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:14:35.982] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:14:48.083] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11386ms).
[15:14:48.083] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12415ms.
[15:14:48.092] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:14:48.411] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[15:14:48.411] <TB1> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:14:48.411] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 32 seconds
[15:14:48.442] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:14:48.442] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[15:14:48.442] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[15:14:50.442] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:14:50.442] <TB1> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[15:14:50.442] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[15:14:50.442] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//013_HREfficiency_75//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[15:14:50.619] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:14:50.619] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[15:14:50.619] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:14:51.223] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:15:06.396] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (14647ms).
[15:15:06.403] <TB1> INFO: Test took 15780ms.
[15:15:06.847] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 228 221 268 588 537 710 758 735 832 583 661 465 367 211 241 223
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 134007 147159 132254 232451 239703 286270 268529 302412 279756 260414 274324 229035 212286 126727 137133 131959
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 207766 207768 207701 207347 207402 207178 207096 207152 207030 207319 207223 207495 207601 207774 207749 207768
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.7 99.7 99.8 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.9
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.7 99.7 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.5 99.7 99.6 99.8 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.9
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 39.3 43.1 38.8 68.1 70.3 83.9 78.7 88.6 82.0 76.3 80.4 67.1 62.2 37.1 40.2 38.7
[15:15:07.217] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[15:15:07.253] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[15:15:07.268] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:15:07.268] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[15:15:07.369] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[15:15:07.449] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[15:15:36.150] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[15:15:36.150] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[15:15:36.373] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[15:15:36.373] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:15:36.373] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[15:15:36.374] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//defaultMaskFile.dat
[15:15:36.374] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[15:15:36.447] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[15:15:36.447] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[15:15:36.447] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[15:15:36.447] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[15:15:36.447] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[15:15:36.448] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[15:15:36.448] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[15:15:36.448] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[15:15:36.462] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[15:15:36.478] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[15:15:36.481] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[15:15:36.484] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.003] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:15:38.405] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[15:15:38.405] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:15:38.405] <TB1> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[15:15:38.405] <TB1> INFO: running: pixelalive
[15:15:38.409] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:15:38.409] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[15:15:38.409] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:15:38.410] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:15:38.410] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:15:38.410] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:15:38.714] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:15:50.442] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11012ms).
[15:15:50.536] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12124ms.
[15:15:50.547] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:15:50.821] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[15:15:50.822] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:15:50.824] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:15:50.824] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:15:50.824] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:15:51.140] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:15:58.194] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (6339ms).
[15:15:58.194] <TB1> INFO: Test took 7369ms.
[15:15:58.194] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:15:58.195] <TB1> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[15:15:58.596] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[15:15:58.596] <TB1> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:15:58.599] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:15:58.599] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:15:58.599] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:15:58.928] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:16:11.306] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11663ms).
[15:16:11.306] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12705ms.
[15:16:11.313] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:16:11.635] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[15:16:11.635] <TB1> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:16:11.635] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 33 seconds
[15:16:11.678] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:16:11.678] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[15:16:11.678] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[15:16:13.678] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:16:13.678] <TB1> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[15:16:13.678] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[15:16:13.678] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//014_HREfficiency_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[15:16:13.815] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:16:13.815] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[15:16:13.815] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:16:14.425] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:16:31.993] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (17042ms).
[15:16:32.003] <TB1> INFO: Test took 18184ms.
[15:16:32.578] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 420 408 491 1255 1092 1432 1660 1662 1786 1280 1364 958 811 410 457 455
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 198938 218330 196745 340289 351631 418807 392961 440446 409339 381239 400253 337179 311770 188948 204520 195183
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 207543 207552 207362 206335 206519 206018 205497 205696 205459 206238 206095 206785 207061 207526 207510 207510
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.8 99.8 99.7 99.3 99.4 99.2 98.9 99.0 98.9 99.3 99.2 99.5 99.6 99.8 99.8 99.8
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.8 99.8 99.7 99.2 99.3 99.0 98.8 98.9 98.8 99.2 99.1 99.4 99.5 99.8 99.8 99.8
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 58.3 64.0 57.7 99.7 103.1 122.8 115.2 129.1 120.0 111.7 117.3 98.8 91.4 55.4 59.9 57.2
[15:16:32.986] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[15:16:33.024] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[15:16:33.041] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:16:33.041] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[15:16:33.108] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[15:16:33.188] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[15:17:03.138] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[15:17:03.138] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[15:17:03.201] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[15:17:03.201] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:17:03.202] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[15:17:03.202] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//defaultMaskFile.dat
[15:17:03.202] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[15:17:03.272] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[15:17:03.272] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[15:17:03.272] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[15:17:03.272] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[15:17:03.272] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[15:17:03.273] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[15:17:03.273] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[15:17:03.273] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[15:17:03.286] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[15:17:03.303] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[15:17:03.306] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[15:17:03.308] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.861] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:04.862] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:17:05.262] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[15:17:05.263] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:17:05.263] <TB1> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[15:17:05.263] <TB1> INFO: running: pixelalive
[15:17:05.271] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:17:05.271] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[15:17:05.271] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:17:05.272] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:05.272] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:17:05.272] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:05.605] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:17:17.396] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11074ms).
[15:17:17.508] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12234ms.
[15:17:17.517] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:17:17.767] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[15:17:17.767] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:17:17.769] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:17.769] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:17:17.769] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:18.085] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:17:25.181] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (6381ms).
[15:17:25.182] <TB1> INFO: Test took 7412ms.
[15:17:25.182] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:17:25.182] <TB1> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[15:17:25.590] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[15:17:25.590] <TB1> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:17:25.592] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:25.592] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:17:25.592] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:25.925] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:17:37.741] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11101ms).
[15:17:37.741] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12147ms.
[15:17:37.753] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:17:38.076] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[15:17:38.076] <TB1> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:17:38.076] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 32 seconds
[15:17:38.122] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:17:38.122] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[15:17:38.122] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[15:17:40.122] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:17:40.122] <TB1> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[15:17:40.122] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[15:17:40.122] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//015_HREfficiency_125//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[15:17:40.295] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:40.295] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[15:17:40.295] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:40.906] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:18:00.602] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (19169ms).
[15:18:00.613] <TB1> INFO: Test took 20315ms.
[15:18:01.362] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 634 554 708 1725 1544 1943 2144 2282 2438 1716 1880 1331 1052 541 631 621
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 236726 258729 233412 402440 414902 491874 463126 519840 482878 450977 472005 398083 368769 225330 243373 232364
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 207285 207386 206963 205449 205643 204797 204030 204372 203880 205323 204883 206122 206685 207315 207294 207299
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.7 99.7 99.6 98.9 99.0 98.7 98.4 98.4 98.2 98.9 98.7 99.2 99.4 99.7 99.7 99.7
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.7 99.7 99.5 98.8 98.9 98.5 98.1 98.3 98.0 98.7 98.5 99.1 99.4 99.7 99.7 99.7
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 69.4 75.8 68.4 118.0 121.6 144.2 135.7 152.4 141.5 132.2 138.3 116.7 108.1 66.0 71.3 68.1
[15:18:01.847] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[15:18:01.881] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[15:18:01.899] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:18:01.899] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[15:18:01.995] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[15:18:02.074] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[15:18:33.011] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[15:18:33.011] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[15:18:33.139] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[15:18:33.139] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:18:33.141] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[15:18:33.141] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[15:18:33.141] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[15:18:33.219] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[15:18:33.219] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[15:18:33.219] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[15:18:33.219] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[15:18:33.219] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[15:18:33.219] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[15:18:33.219] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[15:18:33.219] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[15:18:33.234] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[15:18:33.251] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[15:18:33.256] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[15:18:33.258] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.809] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:34.810] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:18:35.211] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[15:18:35.212] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:18:35.212] <TB1> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[15:18:35.212] <TB1> INFO: running: pixelalive
[15:18:35.216] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:18:35.216] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[15:18:35.216] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:18:35.218] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:18:35.218] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:18:35.218] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:18:35.536] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:18:46.954] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (10701ms).
[15:18:47.065] <TB1> INFO: Test took 11846ms.
[15:18:47.080] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:18:47.358] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[15:18:47.358] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:18:47.360] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:18:47.360] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:18:47.360] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:18:47.671] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:18:55.031] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (6645ms).
[15:18:55.033] <TB1> INFO: Test took 7671ms.
[15:18:55.033] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:18:55.033] <TB1> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[15:18:55.442] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[15:18:55.442] <TB1> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:18:55.443] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:18:55.443] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:18:55.443] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:18:55.757] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:19:07.613] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11141ms).
[15:19:07.613] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12168ms.
[15:19:07.635] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:19:07.958] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[15:19:07.958] <TB1> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:19:07.958] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 32 seconds
[15:19:07.999] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:19:07.999] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[15:19:07.999] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[15:19:09.999] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:19:10.000] <TB1> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[15:19:10.000] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[15:19:10.000] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//016_HREfficiency_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[15:19:10.139] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:19:10.139] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[15:19:10.139] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:19:10.743] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:19:34.522] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (23252ms).
[15:19:34.537] <TB1> INFO: Test took 24394ms.
[15:19:35.448] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 1063 950 1126 2708 2403 2970 3160 3374 3483 2638 2914 2153 1800 903 1136 1040
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 312092 341612 308470 525956 542941 643539 606096 678781 631109 588371 615670 520755 482489 296061 321068 304299
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 206657 206868 205952 202517 203187 201063 199444 199998 198871 202188 201175 204063 205150 206599 206636 206711
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.4 99.5 99.2 97.7 98.0 97.1 96.4 96.4 96.0 97.6 97.1 98.4 98.8 99.4 99.4 99.4
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.4 99.5 99.0 97.4 97.7 96.7 95.9 96.2 95.6 97.2 96.7 98.1 98.6 99.3 99.3 99.4
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 91.5 100.1 90.4 154.2 159.1 188.6 177.7 199.0 185.0 172.5 180.5 152.6 141.4 86.8 94.1 89.2
[15:19:35.930] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[15:19:35.959] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[15:19:35.973] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:19:35.973] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[15:19:36.070] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[15:19:36.150] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[15:20:02.303] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[15:20:02.303] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[15:20:02.512] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[15:20:02.512] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:20:02.513] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[15:20:02.513] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//defaultMaskFile.dat
[15:20:02.513] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[15:20:02.583] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[15:20:02.583] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[15:20:02.583] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[15:20:02.584] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[15:20:02.584] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[15:20:02.584] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[15:20:02.584] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[15:20:02.584] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[15:20:02.597] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[15:20:02.613] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[15:20:02.616] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[15:20:02.619] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.142] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.143] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.143] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:20:04.544] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[15:20:04.544] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:20:04.544] <TB1> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[15:20:04.544] <TB1> INFO: running: pixelalive
[15:20:04.549] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:20:04.549] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[15:20:04.549] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:20:04.551] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:20:04.551] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:20:04.551] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:20:04.859] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:20:16.343] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (10767ms).
[15:20:16.452] <TB1> INFO: Test took 11900ms.
[15:20:16.461] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:20:16.721] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[15:20:16.721] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:20:16.722] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:20:16.722] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:20:16.722] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:20:17.035] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:20:24.222] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (6473ms).
[15:20:24.222] <TB1> INFO: Test took 7498ms.
[15:20:24.222] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:20:24.223] <TB1> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[15:20:24.624] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[15:20:24.624] <TB1> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:20:24.626] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:20:24.626] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:20:24.626] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:20:24.943] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:20:37.018] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11360ms).
[15:20:37.018] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12391ms.
[15:20:37.025] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:20:37.353] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[15:20:37.353] <TB1> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:20:37.353] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 32 seconds
[15:20:37.391] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:20:37.391] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[15:20:37.391] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[15:20:39.391] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:20:39.391] <TB1> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[15:20:39.391] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[15:20:39.391] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//017_HREfficiency_200//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[15:20:39.561] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:20:39.561] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[15:20:39.561] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:20:40.192] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:21:08.912] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (28194ms).
[15:21:08.931] <TB1> INFO: Test took 29366ms.
[15:21:10.024] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 1792 1716 1605 3643 3369 3863 3926 4045 4041 3602 3838 3207 2900 1354 1901 1784
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 406153 445101 403002 680515 703431 829811 785131 880099 821151 763101 794808 675299 624046 389768 419588 397634
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 205282 205621 203893 196168 197693 192694 190280 190526 188363 195357 193453 199567 201699 205201 205208 205405
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 98.8 98.9 98.4 95.0 95.7 93.5 92.4 92.2 91.3 94.6 93.7 96.5 97.3 98.9 98.8 98.9
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 98.7 98.9 98.0 94.3 95.0 92.6 91.5 91.6 90.6 93.9 93.0 95.9 97.0 98.7 98.7 98.8
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 119.0 130.5 118.1 199.5 206.2 243.2 230.1 258.0 240.7 223.7 233.0 197.9 182.9 114.2 123.0 116.5
[15:21:10.586] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[15:21:10.615] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[15:21:10.630] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:21:10.630] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[15:21:10.700] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[15:21:10.780] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[15:21:34.529] <TB1> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[15:21:34.529] <TB1> INFO: *** Today: 2015/12/11
[15:21:34.640] <TB1> INFO: *** Version: b2d3
[15:21:34.640] <TB1> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[15:21:34.641] <TB1> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[15:21:34.641] <TB1> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//defaultMaskFile.dat
[15:21:34.641] <TB1> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[15:21:34.715] <TB1> INFO: clk: 4
[15:21:34.715] <TB1> INFO: ctr: 4
[15:21:34.715] <TB1> INFO: sda: 19
[15:21:34.715] <TB1> INFO: tin: 9
[15:21:34.715] <TB1> INFO: level: 15
[15:21:34.715] <TB1> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[15:21:34.715] <TB1> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-12
[15:21:34.715] <TB1> INFO: Log level: INFO
[15:21:34.728] <TB1> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WWXTQT
[15:21:34.745] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXTQT opened.
[15:21:34.748] <TB1> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 147
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D855118093
Hostname: pixelDTB147
[15:21:34.750] <TB1> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[15:21:36.269] <TB1> INFO: DUT info:
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.270] <TB1> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[15:21:36.672] <TB1> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[15:21:36.672] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:21:36.672] <TB1> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[15:21:36.672] <TB1> INFO: running: pixelalive
[15:21:36.679] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:21:36.679] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[15:21:36.679] <TB1> INFO: ######################################################################
[15:21:36.681] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:21:36.681] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:21:36.681] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:21:36.991] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:21:48.392] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (10684ms).
[15:21:48.500] <TB1> INFO: Test took 11818ms.
[15:21:48.509] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:21:48.769] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[15:21:48.769] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:21:48.771] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:21:48.771] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:21:48.771] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:21:49.084] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:21:56.273] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (6474ms).
[15:21:56.273] <TB1> INFO: Test took 7500ms.
[15:21:56.273] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:21:56.274] <TB1> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[15:21:56.676] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[15:21:56.676] <TB1> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:21:56.677] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:21:56.677] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[15:21:56.677] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:21:56.991] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:22:08.917] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (11211ms).
[15:22:08.918] <TB1> INFO: Test took 12239ms.
[15:22:08.927] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:22:09.247] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[15:22:09.247] <TB1> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:22:09.247] <TB1> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 32 seconds
[15:22:09.289] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:22:09.289] <TB1> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[15:22:09.289] <TB1> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[15:22:11.290] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:22:11.290] <TB1> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[15:22:11.290] <TB1> INFO: running: highrate
[15:22:11.290] <TB1> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M4077_XrayQualification_2015-12-11_15h01m_1449842484//018_HREfficiency_250//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[15:22:11.430] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:22:11.430] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[15:22:11.430] <TB1> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:22:12.034] <TB1> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[15:22:50.130] <TB1> INFO: 208000 events read in total (37567ms).
[15:22:50.152] <TB1> INFO: Test took 38718ms.
[15:22:51.652] <TB1> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 3298 3180 2735 4137 4089 4152 4150 4160 4158 4137 4149 4048 3944 2279 3255 3095
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 561732 614948 556446 939998 972038 1146079 1078361 1211469 1129960 1056544 1100197 935830 864390 537866 579544 549186
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 200063 200935 197306 176874 181183 169416 166243 163535 159639 175604 171223 185473 190825 200445 200571 201011
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 96.5 96.8 95.7 86.3 88.4 82.9 81.6 79.7 78.0 85.8 83.6 90.3 92.6 96.9 96.7 97.0
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 96.2 96.6 94.9 85.0 87.1 81.5 79.9 78.6 76.7 84.4 82.3 89.2 91.7 96.4 96.4 96.6
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 164.6 180.2 163.1 275.5 284.9 335.9 316.1 355.1 331.2 309.7 322.5 274.3 253.4 157.7 169.9 161.0
[15:22:52.335] <TB1> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[15:22:52.365] <TB1> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[15:22:52.378] <TB1> INFO: enter test to run
[15:22:52.378] <TB1> INFO: test: no parameter change
[15:22:52.466] <TB1> QUIET: Connection to board 147 closed.
[15:22:52.546] <TB1> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
MoReWeb-v0.6.7-111-gcc5e703 on branch 20151208_Readback